REG_BINARY, REG_EXPAND_SZ, and REG_MULTI_SZ values show up in hexadecimal values when exported to .reg file. REG_DWORD and REG_SZ show up as plain-text. Microsoft has an excellent guide on this topic. See their KB article How to add, modify, or delete registry subkeys and values by using a .reg file if you want to know in detail about the


Using reg command we can add registry key from command line. Below you can find some examples for the same. Add a new registry value: The command for adding new registry value is given below.

Also after running it, be sure if you're checking the right path in the registry which foo.reg is made to amend.. On a side note, system() function of the C This will register the file. Step 4 After registration, a message will appear telling you registration was successful. The message will inform you that the file has been placed in the Windows Registry.

Register reg file command line

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1 December 2018 To add a.reg file silently to your Windows registry, you can use the regedit command. As almost always, the /s parameter is for silent and /q for quiet. Since the registry is such a critical part of Windows 10, it stands to reason that you’d need admin rights to change anything in it. If you have limited rights on a Windows 10 system, and you need to look up registry values, you can always use the Command Prompt.

To get just that string you need to skip to a second line and read third field on the last line. How you can do that in a batch file? Look at this batch command below.

This file must be created in advance by using reg export . Displays help at the command prompt.

Register reg file command line

regedit /s c:\file.reg from my netlogon batch file but since i'm trying to learn Powershell I thouhgt maybe there would be a way to just write the script then run it. Thanks for confirming the best way to do it :) sometimes i don't think powershell is the best way to go. T.

One will usually work. regedit /s foo.reg. About Scott.

Example: SetACL: Command-line arguments. Before proceeding, let’s see the command-line syntax for changing file/registry ownership and permissions using SetACL. SetACL -on objectname -ot objecttype -actn action-on: Specify the path to the object SetACL should operate on (e.g., file… 2010-04-05 2013-03-26 2015-02-13 2020-11-13 The simplest way to register a machine is to pass the register command with the user account information required to authenticate to Customer Portal Subscription Management.
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Register reg file command line

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One will usually work. How to add registry key and value with regedit file (.reg) You can add registry key and value by using.reg file.
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Regedit.exe uses .reg files to import and export registry subkeys and values. You can use these .reg files to remotely distribute registry changes to several Windows-based computers. When you run a .reg file, the file contents merge into the local registry. Therefore, you must distribute .reg files with caution. back to the top. Syntax of .Reg Files

Identify the correct drive letter for your Windows installation. 3 days ago By default, Microsoft Windows 95, 98, ME, and 2000 users can import registry files from the command prompt using the Regedit command.


Click the Other button at the bottom of the Open With window. 4. 2014-01-08 register (reg) [-g] [-k ] [-u -p Registers the device in a Management Zone. To execute this command you must have Create/Delete device rights for the folder that you are attempting to register. You can use the following options: 2016-12-15 2012-12-08 Note: Be sure to unload the loaded registry file after you are done working with it. This can be done from the "File menu -> Unload Hive" menu command after selecting the key you have loaded. Registry Editor command line arguments.

See RegEdit Command Line Options Syntax for more command line options. 1 December 2018 To add a.reg file silently to your Windows registry, you can use the regedit command. As almost always, the /s parameter is for silent and /q for quiet. Since the registry is such a critical part of Windows 10, it stands to reason that you’d need admin rights to change anything in it. If you have limited rights on a Windows 10 system, and you need to look up registry values, you can always use the Command Prompt.